41. 微软的创始人比尔·盖茨是成功的经典范例。
Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is a classic example of success.
42. 坚持不懈能取得好结果!一个恰当的例子是正在进行的关于中东和平进程的谈判和预期达成的引人注目的决议。
Persistence pays off! A case in point centers on the ongoing negotiations and anticipated eminent resolution of the Middle East peace process.
43. 历史上有很多值得称赞和效法的伟人。
History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation.
44. 锻炼对健康的重要性只是生活中人们想当然的事情的一个例子。
The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted.
45. 想象一下如果我们稍微多关心一下我们的同胞,世界将变得多美好。
Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman.
46. 一个人仅仅为了帮助别人而愿意完全放弃生活的舒适是很罕见的。
It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others.
47. 个人经验告诉我:和善地对待别人会得到数不清的好处。
Personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends.
48. 庆幸的是,大量可靠的证据证明抽烟和癌症有直接联系是毫无疑问的。
Fortunately, a mountain of reliable evidence proves the direct link between smoking and cancer beyond any shadow of the doubt.
49. 数据显示模仿的犯罪行为有大幅度的增加,这证明电视暴力是犯罪增加的一部分直接原因。
Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime, as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes.
50. 当被问及对现在有关美国总统比尔·克林顿的沸沸扬扬的议论有什么看法时,大多数人认为这种暧昧关系纯属私事。但是,还有很多人认为他的行为应当受到谴责。我个人认为总统犯了这些过错,应该被指控。
When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U. S. President Bill Clinton, most people say the affair involves a purely private matter. But many other people regard his actions as deplorable. I personally think the president committed impeachable offences.